Starting from 20 January 2025 9:00 a.m., all SMS messages sent by EPS Company to local mobile services subscribers will use “Registered Sender IDs” with the prefix “#” including #EPS, #EPSHK, #EPS_OTP and #EPS_Promo, please refer to “Important Notice” and “FAQ” for more details.

Merchants' Corner



EPS Company strives to provide services of the highest quality to both merchants and customers. This user guide contains detailed information regarding operational procedures for merchants when using EPS service.


Security Advice on Operating EPS POS Terminal

This simple guideline illustrates the steps for EPS merchant in operation of EPS POS terminal and can be used as staff training material.


Dealing with EPS POS Terminal

  • Treat the terminal the same way as your cash register.
  • If situation allows, when your cashier is away from cash register, lock the terminal into drawer, especially when PIN pad is detachable. If situation allows, lock the terminal into drawer before shop close.
  • Check and record daily the terminal for any unusual device (e.g. skimmer) being attached and any trace of tampering. If in doubt, please call EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited for advice.
  • Ensure CCTV, if installed in-store, is not shooting the terminal PIN pad when customer enters PIN. The CCTV recording tape should be kept for a reasonable retention period, say for example 1 month.

Dealing with Customer

  • When receiving a card presented by the cardholder, merchant should take a general assess of the information printed on the card to be consistent with the cardholder. (i.e. nationality, gender)
  • Merchant should beware if the received card is abnormal to ordinary ones.
  • If possible, process payment while customer witnesses the whole payment process, particularly with the card always within customer’s sight.
  • For terminal with detachable PIN pad, hand over the PIN pad to customer but do not ask the customer to enter PIN with the PIN pad sits on its base.
  • Your cashier should not look at PIN pad while customer is entering PIN. If possible, your cashier has to distract people surrounding your customer when they seem to be staring at PIN pad.
  • Your cashier shall handle customer’s card with great care.
  • To ensure transaction accuracy, merchants shall perform day-end settlement to check on the total transaction count and amount of the terminal record against EPSCO’s host system on daily basis. Should any discrepancies be identified, merchants shall notify EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited immediately for further verifications.

Dealing with Vendor

  • Reconfirm if your company has or has been arranged a terminal service. Verify the identity of the terminal technician by checking his staff ID upon arrival. If in doubt, please call EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited for clarification.

EPS terminal sales slips

  • EPS Company would not authorize any paper suppliers to approach merchants and cross-sell terminal sales slips. If you are approached by any paper suppliers claimed to be representing from EPS Company, please take precaution to avoid any losses.